- A 10 years old girl
- Fall on outstretched hand while playing
- Complaint of painful swelling of left forearm
- Initially went to traditional healer
- Pain not resolved after 2 weeks
Radiographic findings:
- There is linear sclerotic line at metaphysis of distal radius (yellow arrows)
- There is buckling of cortex seen
- There is associated angulation of the bone.
- Callus formation is also seen anterior to it (white arrow).
- Minimal soft tissue swelling is also seen.
Diagnosis: Torus fracture
- Torus fracture is also known as buckle fracture
- It is incomplete fracture of shaft of long bone that is characterised by bulging of cortex
- This type of fracture is usually seen in children, especially aged 5-10 years, due to the elasticity of their bones.
- It is frequently involving the distal radial metaphysis.
- It results from trabecular compression due to an axial loading force along the long axis of the bone.
- They are self-limiting and typically managed conservatively.
- A manipulation may be required if the angulation is severe.
- Sometimes a cast may be applied, but often a splint is all that is required with a period of rest and immobilisation.
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