Year: 2021

Congenital pelviureteric junction obstruction

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 3 years old girl, no known medical illness Had a fall from staircase and brought to hospital with complaint of blood in urine…

 Posted in Developmental, Genitourinary system, Paediatric

Grade I liver injury

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 13 years old boy Motorcycle skidded Vital signs stable Complaint of vague pain at abdomen CT scan findings: Multiple short lacerations in left…

 Posted in Abdomen, Trauma

Blunt liver and adrenal injuries

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 21 years old man Involved in MVA; motorcyclist hit by a car On arrival vital signs were stable and patient was fully conscious…

 Posted in Abdomen, Trauma

Non-operative management of blunt splenic injury

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 20 years old lady with no known medical illness Involved in MVA, motorbike versus car Complaint of headache, chest discomfort and left sided…

 Posted in Abdomen, Trauma