- A 42 years old lady
- Presented with back pain and lower limb weakness for 3 weeks
- No history of trauma
- Associated loss of appetite and loss of weight

Radiographic findings:
- There is exaggerated kyphosis
- Collapsed of T12 vertebra, almost total loss of the vertebral body height
- Reduction in T11 vertebra
l body height with irregular inferior end plate
- No obvious soft tissue swelling seen.
Radiological diagnosis: Verterbra plana
- It is a term given when a vertebral body has lost almost its entire height anteriorly and posteriorly, representing a very advanced compression fracture.
- Mnemonics to remember the causes of vertebra plana: IMELT (Infection, Metastasis/Myeloma, Lymphoma and Trauma/Tuberculosis) and FETISH (Fracture, Eosinophilic granuloma, Tumour, Infection, Steroid, Hemangioma)
Progress of patient:
- Subsequent investigations confirmed spinal tuberculosis in this case.
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