Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan
- A 20 years old man
- Involved in motor vehicle accident
- Complaint of abdominal pain

CT scan findings:
- There are multiple lacerations within the liver parenchyma (yellow arrows)
- These lacerations are short lacerations measuring less than 10 cm in length
- A small hematoma also seen in Segment VI (green arrow)
- Right renal contusion seen as relatively less enhancing renal parenchyma (red arrow)
- There is associated perinephric streakiness (white arrow)
Diagnosis: Blunt traumatic injury of liver and right renal
- Liver is the commonest organ to be injured in blunt trauma
- It can be seen up to 25% of severely injured patient in trauma.
- CT has high sensitivity in detection of these injuries.
- Renal injuries occur frequently among patients who sustain blunt abdominal trauma. However, majority are minor and can be managed conservatively.
Progress of patient:
- Patient was managed conservatively
- He recovered well
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