Medullary nephrocalcinosis


  • A 46 years old lady
  • Underlying hyperparathyroidism
  • Complaint of left loin pain
KUB radiograph

Radiographic findings:

  • clustered opacities/calcification overlying both renal region
  • bilateral with slight asymmetry
  • some are fine, mottled while others are coarse
  • correspond to location and shape of renal pyramids
  • a small rounded opacity also seen at left hemipelvis region
  • Coronal reformatted CT KUB non-contrast soft tissue window


    Axial CT scan non-contrast soft tissue windowCT findings:

    CT findings:

    • There are multiple clustered calcifications seen within renal medulla bilaterally.
    • An elongated hyperdense focus is seen at the left vesicoureteric junction (VUJ) measuring 0.9 cm suggestive of calculus (red arrow).

Diagnosis: Bilateral medulllary nephrocalcinosis with left ureteric calculus


  • Medullary nephrocalcinosis refers to the deposition of calcium salts in the medulla of the kidney.
  • It is caused by multiple different conditions including hyperparathyroidism as seen in this patient
Author: radhianahassan