Category: Quiz

Quiz 26 Neck

Image: Questions: Name the examination. Describe the optimal patient’s positioning for this study. State the transducer used and its frequency. Briefly describe the blood supply to the organ examined in…

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Quiz 25 Head and Neck

Image: Questions: Name the examination. Name the structured marked with red arrows and list its content. Name the labelled structures. Answers: Orthopantomogram. Left mandibular canal containing inferior alveolar nerve (IAN),…

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Quiz 24

Image: Questions: Name the examination. List three indications for this examination. Where is the orifice of this duct? What would you do if you cannot see the opening during the…

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Quiz 23

Image: Questions: Name the examination. Name the line ‘red’ and ‘yellow’ Name the labelled structures. Answer: Radiograph of pelvis in AP view Red line: iliopectineal or iliopubic line and yellow…

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Quiz 22

Images: Questions: Name the examination. Name the radiographic projection A-D. Name the earliest and the last ossification centre of carpal bones to be seen. Name the labelled structures. Answers: Radiographs;…

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Quiz 21

Image:   Questions: Name the examination. Name the sequence of the image shown. Name the branches for ‘B’ Name the labelled structures. Answers: MRI CPA angle region axial plane 3D-CISS…

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Quiz 20

Image: Questions: Name the examination. Name the labelled structures. Answers: MRI brain sagittal plane in T1-weighted image, non contrast. The labelled structures: Frontal sinus Frontal lobe Body of corpus callosum…

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Quiz 19

Image: Questions: Name the examination. Name the labelled structures. Answers: MRI of male pelvis in axial plane, T2-weighted sequence. The labelled structures: Rectus abdominis muscle Urinary bladder Left seminal vesicle…

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Quiz 18

Image: Questions: Name the examination. Give HU measured at G. Name the labelled structures. Answers: CT thorax, axial plane, post contrast in lung and soft tissue windows. HU at G…

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Quiz 17

Image: Questions: Name the examination. Criteria for good view, ‘D” should be.. What type of joint labelled ‘X’ Name the labelled structures. Answers: Scapular Y-view of left shoulder Criteria for…

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