Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan
- A 22 years old male
- Alleged MVA, mb vs car
- Complaint of left abdominal pain and hematuria
- Clinically abdomen is not distended, no tenderness

CT scan findings:
- There is a short laceration at lower pole of left kidney
- There is no extension of the injury to the collecting system
- Minimal perinephric streakiness is seen
- No contrast extravasation is seen
- No other injury involving solid organ.
- No free air in the peritoneal cavity
Progress of patient:
- Patient was managed conservatively
- Recovered well, discharged from hospital after 5 days admission
Diagnosis: Grade II renal injury
- Renal injury occurs in approximately 1% to 5% of all traumas.
- Blunt injuries are usually secondary to high-energy collisions such as motor vehicle accidents, falls from a height, and contact sports.
- CT grading of renal injury directly correlates with the need for intervention, nephrectomy, dialysis, and mortality.
- Grade II renal injury refers to superficial laceration less than 1 cm in depth in the renal cortex or non-expanding perirenal hematoma confined to the retroperitoneum.
- Stable patients with Grades I-IV injuries can generally be managed conservatively.