Category: Developmental
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: Day 8 of life baby boy Born term, SVD Uneventful antenatal history Presented with persistent vomiting for one day duration Initially milk and fluid,…
Case contribution: Dr Raja Rizal Azman Clinical: A 1-year old girl presents with seizures resistant to antiepileptic medication and developmental delay. The patient was a term baby with no complications…
Unilateral renal agenesis
Clinical: A 27 years old lady No medical illness Noted absent of right kidney on ultrasound Imaging findings: Intravenous urography perfomed. Normal opacification and demonstration of left renal and ureter…
Infected patent urachus
Clinical: A 55 years old man No known medical illness Presented with umbilical discharge for 3 weeks Feeling feverish on and off Having pain for the past few days Clinically…
Azygos fissure
Clinical: An 8 years old boy Presented with fever and cough for one week Clinical examination shows crepitations at right lower zone Radiographic findings: There are air space opacities at…
Septo-optic dysplasia with schizencephaly
Clinical: A 34 years old lady Background history of right congenital nystagmus with reduced vision and glaucoma of same eye. Presented with right temporal visual defect Normal intraoccular pressure diagnosed…
Second branchial cleft cyst with fistula
Clinical: A 2 years old girl Previously noted to have swelling at neck region Clinically there is soft (cystic) lesion at lateral neck on the right side Later presented with…
Sinonasal inverted papilloma
Clinical: A 66-year old man Underlying hypertension, otherwise no other medical problem Presented with left eye proptosis with infraorbital swelling for 10 years. Gradually increase in size Scope shows mass…
Arnold chiari malformation with syringohydromyelia
Clinical: A 36-year old man No known medical problem Presented with chronic headache and recent muscle weaknesses involving both hands. There was no history of trauma. MRI findings: MRI of…
Hypothalamic hamartoma
Clinical: An 14 years old girl Presented with central precocious puberty since infancy Also had epilepsy on antiepileptics and psychosis on treatment Operation done at one year of age HPE…