Category: Genitourinary system

Testicular seminoma

Clinical: A 23 years old man Presented with constant left testicular pain for 2 weeks Pain partially relieved by analgesic Exacerbated by standing upright No dysuria, no hematuria, no abdominal…

 Posted in Genitourinary system, Tumour

Renal cell carcinoma

Clinical: A 55 years old man Underlying hypertension and DM Complains of left flank pain for few months Associated with loss of appetite and loss of weight No fever, no…

 Posted in Genitourinary system, Tumour

Medullary nephrocalcinosis

Clinical: A 46 years old lady Underlying hyperparathyroidism Complaint of left loin pain Radiographic findings: clustered opacities/calcification overlying both renal region bilateral with slight asymmetry some are fine, mottled while…

 Posted in Genitourinary system