Author: radhianahassan

Mammary oil cyst

Clinical: A 45 years old lady Came for screening mammogram Asymptomatic No family history of breast cancer Mammographic findings: Moderately dense breasts with symmetrical parenchymal pattern A well-defined, low-density oval-shaped…

 Posted in Breast, Women

Malignant phyllodes tumour

Clinical: A 33 years old lady Right breast lump for 4 years Presented with right nipple bloody discharge for few days Initially minimal then soaked inside layer of bra No…

 Posted in Breast, Women

Multiple sclerosis

Clinical: A 20 years old lady Diagnosed multiple sclerosis 6 years ago Initial presentation: bilateral spastic paraparesis Also had bilateral cerebellar sign and unsteady gait. MRI findings: There are multiple…

 Posted in Central Nervous System

Atypical meningioma

Clinical A 22 years old man Presented with sudden onset of generalized tonic clonic fit. He had no history of childhood seizure. He had localized headaches and a skull swelling…

 Posted in Central Nervous System

Ovarian leiomyoma

Clinical: A 21 years old lady with mass per abdomen Slowly enlarging No compressive symptoms Menstrual cycle is normal CT findings: A mass lesion arising from the pelvic and extends…

 Posted in Women

Bilateral ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma

Clinical: A 38 years old lady Progressive abdominal distension over 3 months Associated with loss of appetite No bowel related symptoms CT scan findings:  Lobulated soft tissue mass at pelvic…

 Posted in Women

Aneurysmal bone cyst

Clinical: A 26 years old lady Right distal thigh swelling for one year Recent increase in size Associated with dull pain on and off Worsening of pain upon prolong ambulation…

 Posted in Musculoskeletal System

Lung cancer: squamous cell carcinoma

Clinical: A 73 years old man Presented with chronic cough Associated with loss of appetite and loss of weight Radiographic findings: There is opacity at lower zone of right lung….

 Posted in Chest

Lung cancer: Adenocarcinoma

Clinical: A 68 years old man Presented with chronic cough for about 6 months Recently also noted pain on deep inspiration Associated loss of appetite and loss of weight Radiographic…

 Posted in Chest

Ovarian clear cell adenocarcinoma

Clinical: A 49 years old lady Presented with progressive abdominal distension over one year No constitutional symptoms No bowel related symptoms Menstrual cycle is regular and normal CT findings: A…

 Posted in Women