Month: April 2020

Alzheimer Disease

Case contribution: Dr Norzaini Rose Mohd Zain Clinical: A 58 years old female lady was previously working as a secretary. She presented with rather rapid deterioration of cognitive function in…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Degenerative

Subacute subdural haemorrhage

Clinical: A 63-year old man Presents with altered sensorium. He had a fall 3 days prior to the presentation. CT scan findings: Axial non-contrasted CT scan of the brain on…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Trauma

Tuberculous spondylitis

Clinical: A 12 years old girl Presents with neck pain, loss of appetite and loss of weight for two week. Worsening of the symptoms three days prior to presentation. There…

 Posted in Infection, Spine

Ectopic posterior pituitary gland

Case contribution: Dr. Raja Rizal Azman Clinical: A 10-year old girl presents with short stature secondary to Growth Hormone deficiency. She was born at term with no complications during delivery….

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Paediatric

Quiz 21

Image:   Questions: Name the examination. Name the sequence of the image shown. Name the branches for ‘B’ Name the labelled structures. Answers: MRI CPA angle region axial plane 3D-CISS…

 Posted in Quiz

Foreign body in trachea

Clinical: A 12 years old girl Had a pin at her lips to put on head scarf Alleged accidentally swallowed it Radiographic findings: There is dense opaque linear foreign body…

 Posted in Chest, Trauma

Upper lobe diversion

Clinical: A 50 years old man Long standing poorly controlled hypertension Presented with shortness of breath No fever and no cough Radiographic findings: There is cardiomegaly evidenced by increased cardiothoracic…

 Posted in Chest

Pseudo-Jones fracture

Clinical: A 32 years old lady, Slipped while wearing high-heels Complains of painful swelling of left foot Clinically there is tenderness at lateral part of foot Radiographic findings: A fracture…

 Posted in Musculoskeletal System, Trauma

Tension pneumothorax

Clinical: A 35 years old man Involved in MVA Complains of shortness of breath and chest pain Examination shows no breath sound at left lung Patient is also tachycardic, Blood…

 Posted in Chest, Trauma