Year: 2020
Frontal bone fracture and frontal sinus injury
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: An 18 years old, no known medical illness Alleged MVA Motorcyclist not wearing helmet Head on collision with a car Had loss of consciousness…
Borderline phyllodes tumour of breast
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 52 years old lady Underlying HPT, osteoarthritis and hyperlipidaemia Presented with left breast lump for one month Not painful, No nipple discharge, no…
Gallbladder polyp
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 66 years old lady History of colicky abdominal pain for 2 years More at right hypochondriac region No constitutional symptom No fever, no…
Simple breast cyst
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 43-year old lady No known medical illness Left breast lump felt for few months Sudden increase in size for the past 2 months…
Ductal carcinoma in situ
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 50 years old lady No known medical illness Presented with left breast lump for 2 weeks duration. No family history of breast cancer…
Invasive breast carcinoma of no special type
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 49-year old single, mute and deaf Presented with left breast lump a few months ago, recently increased in size Only informed caretaker when…
Necrotizing pancreatitis
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 43 years old man No known medical illness Sudden onset of severe abdominal pain for one day, radiating to the back and relieves…
Mammography: pleomorphic microcalcifications
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 45-year old lady Left breast lump for two weeks. No family history of breast cancer Mammogram findings: Bilaterally dense breasts (BIRADS C) A…
Invasive lobular breast cancer
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 46 years old lady Presented with right breast lump for 6 months Painless, progressive increase in size No family history of breast cancer…
Testicular cancer: Embryonal cell carcinoma
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 20 years old man No known medical illness Presented with right scrotal swelling for one month No fever, non-tender No constitutional symptoms AFP=94.6…