Month: January 2021
Traumatic left femoral vein injury
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 36 years old man No known medical illness Bus driver, head on collision with lorry Had transient loss of consciousness Complaint of pain…
Infection of tophaceous nodule
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 72 years old man Underlying DM on insulin injection, HPT, dyslipidaemia and gouty arthritis Presented with pus discharge at right foot for 3…
Adrenal hemorrhage secondary to blunt trauma
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 30 years old man, no known medical illness Was trying to break into a double-storey house Had a fall while trying to run…
Weber A fibula fracture
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 56 years old lady No known medical illness Had a fall, wearing high heels Complaint of ankle pain and swelling after the fall…
Grade II splenic injury
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 13 years old man Fall from motorbike No loss of consciousness Complaint of abdominal pain. Vital signs are stable CT findings: Laceration at…
Coin ingestion
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: An 11 months old baby Picked up 10 cent coin and swallowed Witnessed by mother Post ingestion, child cried and vomiting once, milk content…
Septic arthritis of the hip
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 13 years old boy Had underlying Brugada syndrome on pacemaker and T.propanolol ,under IJN follow up Presented with left hip pain for 5…
Orbital metastasis
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 49 years old lady Known case of left breast cancer, mastectomy done 5 years ago Completed radiotherapy and chemotherapy Presented with right periorbital…
Blunt abdominal trauma: posterior urethral injury
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 20 years old man, involved in MVA (motorbike versus car) On arrival to ED, BP=150/54mmHg, PR=105 bpm and GCS=10/15 CBD gross hematuria. CT…
Blunt abdominal trauma: mesenteric injury
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 70 years old man Involved in motor vehicle accident Underlying DM, CKD stage III and CVA with left hemiparesis On arrival at ED,…