Month: January 2021

Traumatic left femoral vein injury

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 36 years old man No known medical illness Bus driver, head on collision with lorry Had transient loss of consciousness Complaint of pain…

 Posted in Trauma, Vascular

Infection of tophaceous nodule

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 72 years old man Underlying DM on insulin injection, HPT, dyslipidaemia and gouty arthritis Presented with pus discharge at right foot for 3…

 Posted in Infection, Musculoskeletal System

Adrenal hemorrhage secondary to blunt trauma

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 30 years old man, no known medical illness Was trying to break into a double-storey house Had a fall while trying to run…

 Posted in Abdomen, Trauma

Weber A fibula fracture

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 56 years old lady No known medical illness Had a fall, wearing high heels Complaint of ankle pain and swelling after the fall…

 Posted in Musculoskeletal System, Trauma

Grade II splenic injury

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 13 years old man Fall from motorbike No loss of consciousness Complaint of abdominal pain. Vital signs are stable CT findings: Laceration at…

 Posted in Abdomen, Hepatobiliary system, Trauma

Coin ingestion

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: An 11 months old baby Picked up 10 cent coin and swallowed Witnessed by mother Post ingestion, child cried and vomiting once, milk content…

 Posted in Abdomen, Paediatric, Trauma

Septic arthritis of the hip

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 13 years old boy Had underlying Brugada syndrome on pacemaker and T.propanolol ,under IJN follow up Presented with left hip pain for 5…

 Posted in Infection, Musculoskeletal System

Orbital metastasis

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 49 years old lady Known case of left breast cancer, mastectomy done 5 years ago Completed radiotherapy and chemotherapy Presented with right periorbital…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Eye/Opthalmology, Tumour

Blunt abdominal trauma: posterior urethral injury

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 20 years old man, involved in MVA (motorbike versus car) On arrival to ED, BP=150/54mmHg, PR=105 bpm and GCS=10/15 CBD gross hematuria. CT…

 Posted in Abdomen, Genitourinary system, Trauma

Blunt abdominal trauma: mesenteric injury

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 70 years old man Involved in motor vehicle accident Underlying DM, CKD stage III and CVA with left hemiparesis On arrival at ED,…

 Posted in Abdomen, Gastrointestinal Tract, Trauma