Month: August 2022

Parosteal osteosarcoma

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Binti Hassan Clinical: A 12 years old male Presented with left knee swelling for 3 years Slow growing, associated with on and off pain No fever…

 Posted in Musculoskeletal System, Tumour

Epidermal cyst with calcifications

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 61 years old male with underlying scleroderma under Rheumatologist follow-up Presented with progressive swelling over right thumb for 4 years Increase in size…

 Posted in Musculoskeletal System, Tumour

Metachronous breast cancer

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 58 years old History of right breast cancer 9 years ago WLE, axillary clearance and radiotherapy treatment (in another hospital) No chemotherapy or…

 Posted in Breast, Tumour

Unifocal versus multifocal breast cancer

Case contribution: Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 43 years old Complaint of right nipple retraction, no nipple discharge No breast lump palpable Initially thought change is due to breastfeeding a one…

 Posted in Breast, Tumour

Granulomatous mastitis

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 30 years old Presented with painful swelling of left breast No fever No family history of breast cancer Similar presentation few months ago…

 Posted in Breast, Tumour

Tomosynthesis in fatty breasts

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 42 years old lady Came for screening mammogram No family history of breast cancer Mammogram findings: The breasts are almost entirely fatty There…

 Posted in Breast, Tumour

Breast tomosynthesis in dense breasts

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 58 years old Presented with breast lump for 6 months No family history of malignancy Mammogram findings: Bilateral extremely dense breasts, BIRADS D…

 Posted in Breast, Tumour


Case contribution: Dr. Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 17 years old male Known case of epilepsy with growth and pubertal delay History of breakthrough seizure due to non-compliance to medication Clinically:…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Developmental, Paediatric

Orbital dermolipoma

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 6 years old boy Presented with left eye discomfort for one month Parent notice abnormal growth over inner part of left eye Younger…

 Posted in Eye/Opthalmology, Tumour

Subdural empyema

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 13 years old girl Had underlying rhinosinusitis Presented with fever, headache and vomiting for one week Initially treated as AGE and sinusitis In…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Infection