Month: August 2022
Parosteal osteosarcoma
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Binti Hassan Clinical: A 12 years old male Presented with left knee swelling for 3 years Slow growing, associated with on and off pain No fever…
Epidermal cyst with calcifications
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 61 years old male with underlying scleroderma under Rheumatologist follow-up Presented with progressive swelling over right thumb for 4 years Increase in size…
Metachronous breast cancer
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 58 years old History of right breast cancer 9 years ago WLE, axillary clearance and radiotherapy treatment (in another hospital) No chemotherapy or…
Unifocal versus multifocal breast cancer
Case contribution: Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 43 years old Complaint of right nipple retraction, no nipple discharge No breast lump palpable Initially thought change is due to breastfeeding a one…
Granulomatous mastitis
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 30 years old Presented with painful swelling of left breast No fever No family history of breast cancer Similar presentation few months ago…
Tomosynthesis in fatty breasts
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 42 years old lady Came for screening mammogram No family history of breast cancer Mammogram findings: The breasts are almost entirely fatty There…
Breast tomosynthesis in dense breasts
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 58 years old Presented with breast lump for 6 months No family history of malignancy Mammogram findings: Bilateral extremely dense breasts, BIRADS D…
Case contribution: Dr. Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 17 years old male Known case of epilepsy with growth and pubertal delay History of breakthrough seizure due to non-compliance to medication Clinically:…
Orbital dermolipoma
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 6 years old boy Presented with left eye discomfort for one month Parent notice abnormal growth over inner part of left eye Younger…
Subdural empyema
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 13 years old girl Had underlying rhinosinusitis Presented with fever, headache and vomiting for one week Initially treated as AGE and sinusitis In…