Category: Tumour

Lung cancer: Adenocarcinoma 2

Clinical: A 60 years old man Presented with chronic cough Associated with loss of appetite and loss of weight Radiographic findings: There is homogenous opacity at right upper and mid…

 Posted in Chest, Tumour

Metastatic cavernous sinus lesion

Clinical: A 51 years old man Referred to opthalmologist complaining of unable to open eyes since one month ago. Associated with double vision and headache Clinically examination shows visual acuity…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, ENT, Tumour

Ovarian endometrioid adenocarcinoma and mucinous cystadenoma

Clinical: A 43 years old lady Presented with abdominal distension for many months Associated with occasional discomfort No constitutional symptoms CT scan findings: A cystic mass measuring about 16x14x9 cm…

 Posted in Tumour, Women

Rokitansky nodule

Clinical: A 23 years old lady Presented with abdominal distension Gradually increase in size No constitutional symptoms CT scan findings: A large lesion measuring 16x18x10 cm, mostly probably arising from…

 Posted in Tumour, Women

Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma

Clinical: A 53 years old lady Presented with abdominal distension for few months No constitutional symptoms CT scan findings: A cystic mass measuring 17x15x9 cm It has thin wall with…

 Posted in Tumour, Women

Glomus jugulotympanicum

Clinical: A 41 years old man Presented with left pulsatile tinnitus for 2 years  Associated with left ear blockage and reduced hearing No history of ear discharge, no vertigo Clinical…

 Posted in ENT, Tumour

Renal cell carcinoma

Clinical: A 55 years old man Underlying hypertension and DM Complains of left flank pain for few months Associated with loss of appetite and loss of weight No fever, no…

 Posted in Genitourinary system, Tumour

Sinonasal hemangiopericytoma

Clinical: A 34 years old man Left eye blindness x 1 year Recent left eye proptosis No headache, seizure or limb weakness CT brain done showed left nasal mass (in…

 Posted in ENT, Tumour