Month: April 2020

Opaque hemithorax with ipsilateral mediastinal shift

Clinical: A 66 years old man Presented with chronic cough and worsening shortness of breath Associated with constitutional symptoms Radiographic findings: There is opacity of the whole left hemithorax. Obliteration…

 Posted in Chest, Tumour

Midgut volvulus

Clinical: A 13 years old male No known medical illness Presented with right sided abdominal pain for 2 days and vomiting. No fever, no diarrhoea Hemodynamically stable No abdominal distension Clinically…

 Posted in Gastrointestinal Tract

Quiz 30 Chest

Image 1 Image 2: Question: Name the labelled structures. Answer: A: Right coronary artery B: Right ventricle C: Left atrium D: Circumflex artery E: Esophagus F: Interatrial septum G: right…

 Posted in Quiz

Renal angiomyolipoma

Clinical: A 27 years old lady No known medical illness Presented with abdominal pain CT scan findings: Huge mass lesion at both renal region Conforming to shape and configuration of…

 Posted in Genitourinary system, Tumour

Stomach GIST

Clinical: A 50 years old lady No previous medical illness Presented with early satiety and progressive abdominal distension. No obstructive or constitutional symptoms. CT scan findings: scanogram shows displacement of…

 Posted in Gastrointestinal Tract, Tumour

Pituitary stalk Langerhans cell histiocytosis

Clinical: A 9-year-old girl who was previously diagnosed with Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Previous assessment showed bony and pulmonary involvement. Recently she also developed diabetes insipidus. MRI findings: The MRI in…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Tumour


Case contribution: Dr Raja Rizal Azman Clinical: A 40-year old  man No known medical illness before Presents with three episodes of tonic clonic seizures over a period of two weeks…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Tumour


Clinical: A 23-year old lady No known medical problem Presented with chronic headache. Imaging findings: Axial MRI images in (a) T1-weighted, (b) T2-weighted and (c) T1-post contrast show a lobulated…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Tumour

Small bowel obstruction

Clinical: A 67 years old man Underlying history of colon carcinoma Right hemicolectomy done 2 years ago for adenocarcinoma of ascending colon, T4aN2aM1 Presented with acute abdominal pain and distension…

 Posted in Gastrointestinal Tract, Tumour

Lytic lesions in the skull

Clinical: A 64 years old lady History of breast carcinoma (T2N0M0) with left mastectomy done 10 years ago, completed treatment Presented with feeling unwell, dizzy and fell at home Radiographic…

 Posted in Central Nervous System, Tumour