Month: April 2020
Opaque hemithorax with ipsilateral mediastinal shift
Clinical: A 66 years old man Presented with chronic cough and worsening shortness of breath Associated with constitutional symptoms Radiographic findings: There is opacity of the whole left hemithorax. Obliteration…
Midgut volvulus
Clinical: A 13 years old male No known medical illness Presented with right sided abdominal pain for 2 days and vomiting. No fever, no diarrhoea Hemodynamically stable No abdominal distension Clinically…
Quiz 30 Chest
Image 1 Image 2: Question: Name the labelled structures. Answer: A: Right coronary artery B: Right ventricle C: Left atrium D: Circumflex artery E: Esophagus F: Interatrial septum G: right…
Renal angiomyolipoma
Clinical: A 27 years old lady No known medical illness Presented with abdominal pain CT scan findings: Huge mass lesion at both renal region Conforming to shape and configuration of…
Stomach GIST
Clinical: A 50 years old lady No previous medical illness Presented with early satiety and progressive abdominal distension. No obstructive or constitutional symptoms. CT scan findings: scanogram shows displacement of…
Pituitary stalk Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Clinical: A 9-year-old girl who was previously diagnosed with Langerhans cell histiocytosis. Previous assessment showed bony and pulmonary involvement. Recently she also developed diabetes insipidus. MRI findings: The MRI in…
Case contribution: Dr Raja Rizal Azman Clinical: A 40-year old man No known medical illness before Presents with three episodes of tonic clonic seizures over a period of two weeks…
Clinical: A 23-year old lady No known medical problem Presented with chronic headache. Imaging findings: Axial MRI images in (a) T1-weighted, (b) T2-weighted and (c) T1-post contrast show a lobulated…
Small bowel obstruction
Clinical: A 67 years old man Underlying history of colon carcinoma Right hemicolectomy done 2 years ago for adenocarcinoma of ascending colon, T4aN2aM1 Presented with acute abdominal pain and distension…
Lytic lesions in the skull
Clinical: A 64 years old lady History of breast carcinoma (T2N0M0) with left mastectomy done 10 years ago, completed treatment Presented with feeling unwell, dizzy and fell at home Radiographic…