Year: 2020
Pneumoperitoneum: Rigler sign
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 53 years with rectosigmoid adenocarcinoma Had sigmoid colectomy and left ureterotomy with stenting done Patient complaint of left sided abdominal pain on day…
Breast fibroadenolipoma
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 30 years old lady Presented with right breast lump for 3 years Slow increase in size, not painful No family history of breast…
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: Day 8 of life baby boy Born term, SVD Uneventful antenatal history Presented with persistent vomiting for one day duration Initially milk and fluid,…
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 45 years old man Underlying DM on oral medication Presented with productive cough for one week In ED, diagnosed DKA secondary to partially…
Pulmonary tuberculosis
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 65 years old man Presented with chronic cough Associated with loss of appetite and loss of weight Radiographic findings: There are extensive consolidation…
Cerebral abscess
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 38 years old man No known medical illness Presented with headache, nausea and vomiting for one week. No fever. No history of trauma….
Non-small cell lung cancer: Adenocarcinoma
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 73 years old man Presented with chronic cough Associated with loss of weight Radiographic findings: There is a lobulated lesion at left midzone…
Urinary bladder calculi
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 45 years old man No known medical illness Presented with recurrent hematuria for few years No associated constitutional symptoms Examination shows patient had…
Male breast carcinoma
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 78 years old man Presented with left breast swelling for one month Associated with blood stained nipple discharge Non-tender, progressively increased in size…
Cerebral arteriovenous malformations
Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 31 years old male No known medical illness Presented with headache and blurring of vision Gradually worsen over 2 years Clinically no neurological…