Year: 2020
Azygos fissure
Clinical: An 8 years old boy Presented with fever and cough for one week Clinical examination shows crepitations at right lower zone Radiographic findings: There are air space opacities at…
Radial head fracture
Clinical: A 27 years old man Alleged MVA, motorbike skidded Complaints of painful swelling of right elbow Radiographic findings: A minimally displaced fracture is seen involving the radial head (red…
Thallassemia major: hand radiograph
Clinical: An 18 years old girl Thallassemia major with regular blood transfusion Currently also had iron overload Radiographic findings: There are coarse trabeculations involving the metacarpals, phalanges and carpal bones…
TB ventriculitis
Clinical: An 18 years old girl Underlying beta thalassemia major on frequent blood transfusion Presented with headache, fever and meningism. CT brain shows ventriculitis EVD inserted-pus drained. MRI findings: There…
Opaque hemithorax with contralateral mediastinal shift
Clinical: A 53 years old man Underlying hypertension Presented with chronic cough and worsening shortness of breath Associated with constitutional symptoms. Radiographic findings: There is total opacification of the left…
MCA infarction or HSV encephalitis?
Clinical: A 55 years old man with DM, HPT and CVA 4 years ago Presented with acute onset of aggressive behaviour. Also noted serum HSV IgG +ve, CSF protein 716….
Pseudomeningocele from brachial plexus injury
Clinical: A 22 years old man involved in MVA Post trauma, complaint of inability to move left upper limb Clinical examination shows C5-T1 motor and sensory defect. Tinel sign positive…
Septo-optic dysplasia with schizencephaly
Clinical: A 34 years old lady Background history of right congenital nystagmus with reduced vision and glaucoma of same eye. Presented with right temporal visual defect Normal intraoccular pressure diagnosed…
Superior sagittal sinus thrombosis with intraparenchymal haemorrhages
Clinical: A 48 years old man No known medical problem Complains of headache for one month Worsening of headache for the last few days No neurological deficit MRI findings: Multiages…
Intraparenchymal haemorrhage with fluid-blood levels
Clinical: A 50-year old lady She has underlying end stage renal failure and hypertension Admitted for dengue fever, complaint of headache CT brain on admission was normal Clinically there was…