Year: 2020
Hypoglossal schwannoma
Case contribution: Dr Khairiah Mat Nor Clinical: A 52-year-old lady Presented with blurring of vision for 2 months associated with right facial twitching and right facial numbness. Clinical examination showed…
Suprasellar meningioma
Clinical: A 56-year-old man No known medical illness Presented with headache and diplopia. Imaging findings: The axial CT scan of the brain in soft tissue window without contrast (1a) and…
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Clinical: A 78-year old lady with no known medical illness Presented with first episode generalized tonic clonic seizure. No history of trauma. Blood pressure was normal. Urgent non-contrast CT scan…
Dense MCA sign
Case contribution: Dr. Raja Rizal Azman Clinical: An 82-year old man presented with sudden onset of right sided body weakness and reduced consciousness following a fall at home. Physical examination…
Chronic Toluene-induced encephalopathy
Case contribution: Dr Norzaini Rose Mohd Zain Clinical: A 22-year old man A 9-year history of glue-sniffing that evolved into a full-blown picture of psychological dependency that was characterized by…
Alzheimer Disease
Case contribution: Dr Norzaini Rose Mohd Zain Clinical: A 58 years old female lady was previously working as a secretary. She presented with rather rapid deterioration of cognitive function in…
Subacute subdural haemorrhage
Clinical: A 63-year old man Presents with altered sensorium. He had a fall 3 days prior to the presentation. CT scan findings: Axial non-contrasted CT scan of the brain on…
Tuberculous spondylitis
Clinical: A 12 years old girl Presents with neck pain, loss of appetite and loss of weight for two week. Worsening of the symptoms three days prior to presentation. There…
Ectopic posterior pituitary gland
Case contribution: Dr. Raja Rizal Azman Clinical: A 10-year old girl presents with short stature secondary to Growth Hormone deficiency. She was born at term with no complications during delivery….