Category: Genitourinary system

Unilateral renal agenesis

Clinical: A 27 years old lady No medical illness Noted absent of right kidney on ultrasound Imaging findings: Intravenous urography perfomed. Normal opacification and demonstration of left renal and ureter…

 Posted in Developmental, Genitourinary system

Anterior urethral strictures

Clinical: A 55 years old man History of Benign prostatic hyperplasia Recurrent acute urinary retention with history of CBD insertion Hematuria and pain after last CBD insertion Imaging findings: Ascending…

 Posted in Genitourinary system, Trauma

Peritoneo-cutaneous fistula and emphysematous pyelonephritis

Clinical: A 53 years old man Underlying DM and HPT Non-functioning left kidney with ESRF on regular hemodialysis History of right lower ureteric calculus, open ureteric vesicolithotomy done 2 years…

 Posted in Genitourinary system, Infection

Infected perinephric hematoma

Clinical: A 15 years old boy Involved in MVA On arrival in ED, GCS=15/15, BP=100/50 mmHg, PR=80 bpm Initial CT scan shows right renal injury After few days in ward…

 Posted in Genitourinary system, Trauma

Grade IV renal injury

Clinical: A 23 years old lady Involved in MVA On arrival in ED, GCS 15/15, vital sign stable Pain and tenderness at right lumbar region CT scan findings: A: Non-contrast…

 Posted in Genitourinary system, Trauma

Renal cysts

Clinical: An 80 years old lady Underlying DM and HPT Patient admitted for osteoporotic compression fracture of L1 Also complains of abdominal pain and constipation No PR bleed Radiographic findings:…

 Posted in Genitourinary system

Infected patent urachus

Clinical: A 55 years old man No known medical illness Presented with umbilical discharge for 3 weeks Feeling feverish on and off Having pain for the past few days Clinically…

 Posted in Developmental, Genitourinary system

Renal arteriovenous malformation

Clinical: A 45 years old lady presented with back pain and microscopic hematuria of one year duration   No hypertension or cardiac problem UFEME- RBC 5+, others normal. All blood…

 Posted in Genitourinary system

Renal angiomyolipoma

Clinical: A 27 years old lady No known medical illness Presented with abdominal pain CT scan findings: Huge mass lesion at both renal region Conforming to shape and configuration of…

 Posted in Genitourinary system, Tumour

Primary urinary bladder calculus

Clinical: A 58 years old man No previous medical illness Presented with recurrent hematuria for few months No associated constitutional symptoms Radiographic findings: There is an oval-shaped opacity at the…

 Posted in Genitourinary system