Category: Gastrointestinal Tract


Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 57 years old male Presented with per rectal bleeding Clinical examination reveals internal haemorrhoid Previous history of haemorrhoidectomy Abdominal radiograph findings: A rounded…

 Posted in Abdomen, Gastrointestinal Tract

Sigmoid volvulus

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 67 years old man Had underlying bronchial asthma History of appendicectomy at 11 years old Presented with abdominal pain for 3 days, generalised…

 Posted in Abdomen, Gastrointestinal Tract

Duodenal adenocarcinoma

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: An 83 years old man Known case of DM and hypertension on medication Presented with post prandial vomiting for one month Associated with loss…

 Posted in Abdomen, Gastrointestinal Tract

Acute appendicitis

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 60 years old lady No known medical illness Presented with abdominal pain x 3/7, initially generalised then radiated to right iliac fossa region…

 Posted in Gastrointestinal Tract, Infection

Segmental renal infarction and mesenteric injury post trauma

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 24 years old man, involved in road traffic accident (MB versus car) Under alcohol influence No loss of consciousness and no ENT bleed…

 Posted in Abdomen, Gastrointestinal Tract, Genitourinary system, Trauma

Stomach GIST

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 75 years old man Underlying HPT, dyslipidaemia History of open left hernioplasty 5 years ago Presented with abdominal swelling for one week Associated…

 Posted in Abdomen, Gastrointestinal Tract, Tumour

Esophageal stricture: neoplasm

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 55 years old man No known medical illness, chronic smoker Presented with vomiting for the past 10 days History of progressive dysphagia for…

 Posted in Gastrointestinal Tract, Tumour

Blunt abdominal trauma: mesenteric injury

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 70 years old man Involved in motor vehicle accident Underlying DM, CKD stage III and CVA with left hemiparesis On arrival at ED,…

 Posted in Abdomen, Gastrointestinal Tract, Trauma

Blunt abdominal trauma with transected duodenum

Case contribution: Dr Radhiana Hassan Clinical: A 39 years old man Alleged MVA Complaint of pain at epigastric region BP=110/80 mmHg, PR=80 bpm, GCS=15/15 CT scan findings: Multiple air pockets…

 Posted in Gastrointestinal Tract, Trauma

Gastric perforation following blunt abdominal trauma

Case contribution: Dr. Radhiana Hassan Clinical: An 11 years old boy, fall from his bicycle Presented with pain at left hypochondriac region, clinically guarded abdomen Vital signs are normal Blood…

 Posted in Gastrointestinal Tract, Trauma