Year: 2020

Cervical carcinoma metastatic to ovaries

Clinical: A 55 years old Presented with abnormal per vaginal bleed There is associated constitutional symptoms Ultrasound shows a complex cystic adnexal mass CT scan findings: There is multiseptated cystic…

 Posted in Tumour, Women

Ovarian mucinous cystadenoma

Clinical: A 91 years old lady Abdominal distension for many years Gradual increase in size No constitutional symptoms   CT findings: There is a well defined cystic mass in the…

 Posted in Tumour, Women

Bilateral mature cystic ovarian teratoma

Clinical: A 28 years old lady Complaint of suprapubic fullness Ultrasound showed cystic pelvic mass CT scan findings: There are 2 masses seen within the pelvis lying towards the left…

 Posted in Tumour, Uncategorized, Women

Ovarian endometrioma

Clinical: A 28 years old lady History of irregular menses and dysmenorrhoea Presented with fullness at suprapubic region Ultrasound showed a complex ovarian cyst CT scan findings: Cystic lobulated mass…

 Posted in Tumour, Women

Ovarian serous cystadenocarcinoma

Clinical: A 56 years old lady Presented with lower abdominal fullness Associated with occasional vague discomfort Ultrasound showed a cystic pelvic mass CT scan findings: There is a pelvic mass…

 Posted in Tumour, Women

Benign cystic ovarian teratoma

Clinical: A 38 years old lady Presented with fullness at suprapubic region Gradual increase in size No other symptoms CT scan findings: There is a well-defined rounded mass measuring about…

 Posted in Tumour, Women

Mature cystic ovarian teratoma

Clinical: A 63 years old lady Presented with vague fullness at lower abdomen region No altered bowel habit CT scan findings: There is a cystic mass measuring about 10x10x10 cm…

 Posted in Tumour, Women

Silicone granulomas

Clinical: A 45 years old lady Came for screening mammogram Asymptomatic No family history of breast cancer History of free-silicone injection for breast augmentation many years before Mammogram findings: There…

 Posted in Women

Renal arteriovenous malformation

Clinical: A 45 years old lady presented with back pain and microscopic hematuria of one year duration   No hypertension or cardiac problem UFEME- RBC 5+, others normal. All blood…

 Posted in Genitourinary system

Second branchial cleft cyst with fistula

Clinical: A 2 years old girl Previously noted to have swelling at neck region Clinically there is soft (cystic) lesion at lateral neck on the right side Later presented with…

 Posted in Developmental, ENT