Author: radhianahassan
Sacral agenesis
Clinical: A 3 years old boy with bilateral foot deformity noted since birth. Late on walking. Also has rotated left leg. There is associated bowel symptoms; on & off constipation…
Choroid plexus carcinoma
Clinical: A 3 years old girl Presented with persistent vomiting CT scan findings: A lobulated mass lesion seen at atrium of right lateral ventricle It is hyperdense compared to brain…
Infected perinephric hematoma
Clinical: A 15 years old boy Involved in MVA On arrival in ED, GCS=15/15, BP=100/50 mmHg, PR=80 bpm Initial CT scan shows right renal injury After few days in ward…
Grade IV renal injury
Clinical: A 23 years old lady Involved in MVA On arrival in ED, GCS 15/15, vital sign stable Pain and tenderness at right lumbar region CT scan findings: A: Non-contrast…
Traumatic adrenal hemorrhage
Clinical: A 17 years old boy Alleged MVA On arrival in ED, GCS 15/15, vital signs are stable CT scan findings: An oval-shaped lesion at right adrenal region which is…
Giant ovarian teratoma causing hydronephrosis
Clinical: A 16 years old girl Noted to have abdominal mass during medical check-up. She is otherwise asymptomatic. Clinically a 20-week size mass palpable per abdomen, no ascites. AFP and…
Ovarian yolk sac tumour
Clinical: A 20 years old lady Progressive abdominal distension No associated loss of weight No bowel related symptoms Menses are regular CT scan findings: There is a lobulated cystic mass…
Traumatic extradural hemorrhage with pneumocephalus
Clinical: A 23-year old man who was involved in MVA GCS on arrival at ED was 13/15 An urgent non-contrasted CT brain was performed CT scan findings: Axial non-contrasted CT…
Subacute subdural hemorrhage
Clinical: A 63-year old with underlying HPT and DM Presented with altered sensorium. He had a fall 3 days prior to the presentation. CT scan findings: Axial non-contrasted CT scan…
Cervical vertebrae osteomyelitis
Clinical: A 69 years old man with underlying DM, COAD Also had right nasal polyposis with sinusitis. Recently treated for right otitis externa with acute mastoiditis. After 2 weeks completed…