Year: 2020
Papillary thyroid carcinoma
Clinical: A 61 years old Malay female Presented with bilateral lower limb weakness Posterior instrumentation for compression fracture of T4 done HPE from bone negative for malignancy Noted to have…
Hemorrhagic transformation of cerebral infarct
Clinical: A 53-year old lady Underlying history of chronic rheumatic heart disease, hypertension and hyperlipidaemia Presented with acute onset of left sided hemiparesis. GCS score was 15/15. Urgent plain CT…
Trumpeted IAM sign
Case contribution: Dr Khairiah Mat Nor Clinical: A 44-year old male Premorbidly, dyslididemia (not on medication) and social smoker. Presented with sensorineural hearing loss of the left ear for a …
Mesial temporal sclerosis
Clinical: A 39-year old male History of epilepsy since 9-year old. Recently fits becoming more frequent and not responding to medication. MRI findings: The left hippocampus is significantly smaller that…
Persistent left SVC
Clinical: A 73 years old man Underlying DM and HPT CT scan done for lung carcinoma CT scan findings: Apart from lung mass with mediastinal nodes (images not shown), incidental…
Quiz 26 Neck
Image: Questions: Name the examination. Describe the optimal patient’s positioning for this study. State the transducer used and its frequency. Briefly describe the blood supply to the organ examined in…
Quiz 25 Head and Neck
Image: Questions: Name the examination. Name the structured marked with red arrows and list its content. Name the labelled structures. Answers: Orthopantomogram. Left mandibular canal containing inferior alveolar nerve (IAN),…
Suprasellar germinoma
Clinical: A 23-year old lady No known medical illness Presented with chronic headache. MRI findings: A lobulated suprasellar mass (yellow arrows). It has mixed cystic and solid components. The lesion…